March 09, 2021
A new article has been posted to the TAM Blog by Jennifer Chan:

In these times of isolation, when we’re seeing less of our customers, how sure are we that “absence makes the heart grow fonder” as opposed to “out of sight, out of mind”?
Are you a firm believer in Dr. Jeffery Lant’s “Rule of Seven”? Are you tracking how many times you “touch” your customers? We wanted to take this time to remind you that TAM has a tool to make this easier: SmartCRM!
With SmartCRM, you can send emails to your customers automatically. You can set these emails to a variety of triggers: sales/returns of SKUs or tickets; timings around memberships, donation campaigns, or events. You have the ability to tailor your message accordingly. Then you can ‘set and forget’ until you’re ready to review your results.
You may not be able to see a lot of your customers these days, which makes it more important to stay in contact with them through other means. They may want to hear from you as much as you want to hear from them. A fully-utilized CRM database can help you understand who your customer is that supports your organization.
Your partners at TAM Retail are here to help! There’s a whole unit on CRM in the TAM Online Training Academy; email the Help Desk if you need access ( There’s also virtual or in-person training that can be scheduled with our Training Specialists.
AND if this post made you decide to purchase the CRM module (seventh time’s the charm?), our sales team is excited to help you! They can be reached at (888) 843-1476, or at Remember to use ALL of the CRM features to get the best results.
Be “smart” about keeping your customers engaged!
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