November 30, 2020
A new article has been posted to the TAM Retail blog by Jennifer Chan:

“What version of SQL Server are you running?” Have you been asked this question by our Help Desk in the past month? Results of a recent survey of over 100 respondents showed 40% are still using SQL Server 2008 or 2008 R2. In previous blog posts, we mentioned the expiration of extended support for these retired versions of SQL Server (here) as well as Windows operating systems (here). As your partner, we like to help you keep track of certain tools you need. The warnings from Microsoft for using unsupported systems are the same today as they have been in the past. You’ll no longer get security updates, hot fixes, or professional support (from Microsoft). You could risk a data breach. Your operations and maintenance costs could rise.
Now we are recommending that everyone upgrade to SQL Server 2019 (released 11/4/2019). This is the latest version, with a ten-year life expectancy. Microsoft touts features and capabilities greater than SQL Server 2016 or 2017. You can read about them here.
SQL Server 2019 is compatible with all versions of Windows Server 2016 and Windows Server 2019, as well as the Developer, Standard, and Express versions of Windows 10 (Enterprise and Professional). Are you still running an old operating system? Now is the time to do this upgrade as well. Like chefs who must sharpen their knives, updating old systems is necessary maintenance to keep you performing your best.
We can help. If you would like to upgrade, contact your sales representative, at 888-843-1476, or email us at As always, if you have any concerns or questions you would like addressed, feel free to contact our Help Desk. We can be reached by phone at 866-435-7826 or by email at
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