
Learn All About TAM with our New Website!

A new article has been posted to the TAM Retail blog by Bruce Lode:

We are proud to announce our new web presence at theassistantmanager.com also viewable at tamb2cc.com. These new site covers all of the newest features and capabilities of TAM and later this year will replace our other existing websites.

Shown above is just the top of the home page, it includes links for all the industry we proudly service, an overview of key features for each module of option, and resources. The site is fully responsive and can be viewed from anywhere on any device. Click WATCH VIDEO on this page and learn how convergence of commerce with TAM helps or user community in less than 2 minutes.

In the Industries section of the site, learn specifically how TAM help’s that user community. Even request more detailed information at the bottom of each page.

In the Features section of the site, learn more about the key options available and their unique benefits. Buy touch each of the three subjects listed instantly illustrate each key feature within each option.

In the Resources drop down, visit our new blog, shop our new responsive eStore, view mini-demos, and soon view new eBooks on things to know when converging commerce.

In the near future, we will be transferring your current subscription to this blog to the new blog automatically, so don’t worry; you will always be in the know. Please share this blog with other users or stakeholders in your organization by having them subscribe. Subscription to this new blog is the best way learn about TAM usage, new releases, special offers, and very important news!

Visit our newly upgraded eStore using eTAM Responsive Design. Shop anywhere from any device. More about our Responsive Design Version 11.7 eTAM upgrade in an upcoming blog!

I truly hope you will take a moment to visit our new web presence, I and my team have spent many hours over past months putting it together! If your organization is not fully converging commerce with TAM, please share our new website with other business units in your organization.

I’d love to hear what you think, I always value your feedback!

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