
FAQ Friday: Batch Credit Cards

A new article has been posted to the TAM Retail blog by Grisel de la Torre:

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: I was able to Batch Credit Cards in Version 10.  I don’t have the option in Version 11.  Why?

Answer: You actually do have this option!  As a merchant, you can make the decision on whether this option should be enabled or disabled in your Point of Sale system.  If you wish to batch credit cards, please log into TAM Office, highlight System Utilities, select Setup and double click on Point of Sale. The Point of Sale Parameters window will be displayed.  Please see the picture below for reference:



If you have any questions regarding this FAQ Friday article, or if you have other questions or concerns relating to your TAM software, please do not hesitate to give us a call.  Our toll-free help desk number is 866-435-7826 or by email at help@tamretail.com.

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